THE ANIMATION!!! 1st day of major is confusing, don't know what to do day. Yet, double N is ready for all the challenge ahead of him. The challenge to face is tremendous, but, he try to convince himself that animation is not that terrible, it just rumors and pass event. HE IS TERRIBLY WRONG!!!! Animation is the hell!!!(Gong Xiu Zek~/KIDDING~) The subject that he gonna take is nightmare!!! TERRIBLE!!! HORRIBLE!!! VEGETABLE!!! BLE!!! BLE!! BLE! BLe! Ble! ble! ble... ble.... ble...... OK, back to the main point...
1st of all, typography... OMG!! At first, he think that it is interesting. But that thought of his has bring him into a series of nightmares and torture as he underestimate this subject... Then, SUFFER!!! 2nd... MAYA!!! That's one of the nightmare to him too as he is still new to that software. During the Evaluation Day 1 assignment, due to a lot of technical error and modeling problem, his mental finally broken down and shout "CIBAI!!!" while slamming the table, creating a sound of "BANG!!!". Then, receive the word "HUH??" from everyone around him and then get a "WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM??" as respond to the table slamming.
Besides that, there is one more thing that trouble double N the most, FATAL ERROR!!!! Whoever animator sees this word appear in front of them in the monitor, they will have the urge to slam the monitor and bang the CPU for god sake. What is FATAL ERROR to us? Well, let me briefly explain to you what is that word of terror. It strikes without warning, it always strikes at the righteous moment that will drive you crazy, and it also will let you press the key of judgment that will end all your MAYA work once and for all, that is the "OK" key... How it strikes? It 1st came out and let you see lots of words which you can't even understand, then, it will eventually hang your MAYA, then, JUDGMENT!!! Which is after it strikes, it don't kill you directly, but let you kill yourself. So, FATAL ERROR is evil!!!
to be continue~
What if this happen to you... OMG!!! FUCK!!! FATAL ERROR AGAIN!!!What if this happen to you too?.... FUCK!!!! MY COMPUTER HANG AND I LOST MY ASSIGNMENT!!!!!!!
Well, worry no more, coz you have... ctrl+S!!!!
With ctrl+S, FATAL ERROR and COMPUTER HANG will trouble you no more.
FATAL ERROR again? No worries, coz I own ctrl+S
Hang? Haha, ctrl+S save the day.
CTRL+S, the best choice
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